Short–Long Term Rental ( 1 month to 3 years )

Why commit to a lifetime with one vehicle when you can have the option of driving a different car every year? If your needs are personal or corporate. You can take advantage of our short and long term lease options. SKAP MEDIA provides you with flexible and convenient possibilities:

  • New cars or as required
  • Fixed monthly payment
  • No yearly registration hassle
  • Free periodic maintenance and replacement vehicles
  • Commercial vehicle rental
  • Dedicated project support team
  • 24/7 emergency response team
  • Full comprehensive insurance

Our Team is Ready to provide:

  • 24-hour service
  • Worldwide reservation facility
  • Airport transfers
  • Baby car seats
  • Staff transportation solutions

Therefore, we (SKAP MEDIA) would appreciate if you kindly consider our proposal/offer and let us serve you in delightful manner.

Available Vehicle in SKAP MEDIA Fleet

Sl.Name Of VehicleVehicle TypeYear Of ManufactureBrand
01Toyota AllionSedan2004-2006Toyota
02Toyota Allion New ShapeSedan2007-2016Toyota
04Toyota X & G CorollaSedan2004-2006Toyota
05Toyota AxioSedan2008-2016Toyota
06F PremioSedan2004-2007Toyota
07Premio F New shapeSedan2008-2016Toyota
08Toyota NOAH DX/GL Single A/CMicro-Bus2004-2006Toyota
10NOAH x/s Duel A/C New ShapeMicro-Bus2007-2015Toyota
11Toyota Hi-Ace New shapeMicro-Bus2010-2012Toyota
12Toyota Hi-Ace Super GL / DXMicro-Bus2004-2018Toyota
13Toyota KlugerJeep (SUV)2002-20012Toyota
14Toyota Lexus HarrierJeep (SUV)2005-2015Toyota
15Land Cruiser PradoJeep (SUV)2004-2010Toyota
16Land Cruiser PradoJeep (SUV)2011-2017Toyota
17V-6 Pajero 4X4Jeep (SUV)2004-2009Toyota
18V-6 Pajero 4X4Jeep (SUV)1998-2009Toyota
19Double Cabin Pickup 4 X 4Pick-up2002-2004Toyota
20Double Cabin Pickup 4 X 4Pick-up2005-2012Toyota
21Nissan CIVILIANA/C Bus2004-2010Nissan
22Toyota  Coaster/ Rosa BusA/C Bus2004-2010Toyota
23Toyota Alphard/ Hyundai H-1Micro2004-2010Toyota
26Tourist Bus HINO/VOLVOBus2001-2008HINO/VOLVO